Dr. Keith Sawyer is author or editor of nineteen books, including The Creative Classroom, Explaining Creativity, and Group Genius. These books are based on his scientific studies of creativity and learning.
Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation, Third Edition
The single most complete overview of the science of creativity. This book brings together the lastest research from psychology, sociology, anthropology, and history, to develop a unified understanding of how creativity works.
The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences, Third Edition
Dr. Sawyer edited the three editions of this handbook, with the third one published in 2022. It is widely acknowledged to be the definitive introduction to the science of learning. This handbook is a blueprint for schools of the future.
The Creative Classroom: Innovative Teaching for 21st-Century Learners
The Creative Classroom presents an original, compelling vision of schools where teaching and learning are centered on creativity.
Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration, Second Edition
Group Genius shows us how to be more creative in collaborative group settings, how to change our organizations for the better, and how to tap into our own reserves of creativity.
Zig Zag: The Surprising Path to Greater Creativity
Zig Zag provides an eight-step program that will help you achieve greater creativity.
Structure and Improvisation in Creative Teaching
Dr. Sawyer edited this book, a collection of papers by leading teacher educators and researchers. Each chapter shows how we can help teachers be more creative. The book argues that teacher expertise is fundamentally improvisational, and that good teachers can become great by mastering improvisation.
Social Emergence: Societies as Complex Systems
A theoretical analysis of how new things emerge from group interaction. Provides a sociological foundation for Sawyer's analyses of group creativity.
Creativity and Development
Dr. Sawyer co-authored this book with other leading scholars who study both creativity and child development.
Group Creativity: Music, Theater, Collaboration
Dr. Sawyer shows the hidden links between the musical improvisations of jazz, and the verbal improvisations of the theater, and develops a new theoretical framework for how group creativity works.
Improvised Dialogues: Emergence and Creativity in Conversation
This seminal study is the result of ten years of study of Chicago improvisational theater. Dr. Sawyer's painstaking research methods allowed him to identify exactly how a group of actors creates a performance together.
Creating Conversations: Improvisation in Everyday Discourse
Dr. Sawyer argues that conversation is a group creative activity, by comparing everyday conversation to improvisational theater performance.
Creativity in Performance
Dr. Sawyer edited this book, which brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars studying performance creativity — a topic formerly neglected by creativity researchers.
Pretend Play as Improvisation: Conversation in the Preschool Classroom
Dr. Sawyer spent a year in a preschool classroom, and documented exactly how the unstructured, improvisational flow of pretend play contributes to creativity and social skills.